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Cycle 1 animation course

Learn the artistic fundamentals and production processes of a 3D animated film

Cycle 1 at the MoPA School of 3D Animation consists of 3 years of study.

3D animation astronaut training: MoPA school

Prochaine rentrée :
Septembre 2024

Les objectifs pédagogiques

  • Acquire a methodology to carry out projects from the initial idea to its completion
  • Experience teamwork and individual work
  • Acquire the artistic and cinematographic fundamentals for the successful design of an animated film
  • Expérimenter la chaîne technique complète de conception et production d'un court-métrage d'animation 2D / Stop-motion

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A cartoon and 3D animation course based on four main areas of study

  • Artistic: Developing an eye for detail, understanding shapes, developing skills, being able to accurately reproduce, developing your own visual language
  • Cinematographic:
    • Introduction to the concepts of point of view, framing, shooting and editing
    • Approach narration from the perspective of writing, directing and filmic language
  • Technical: Be able to use technical tools to carry out projects
  • Animation: Introduction to movement, rhythm and acting in order to make the characters we create lively and believable

Year 1
Artistic fundamentals related to future needs in 3D animation

  • Understanding shapes and volumes, anatomy, the use of colour in scenery and landscapes, image composition,...
  • Introduction aux principes narratifs et d'animation : conception et réalisation d'un court métrage vidéo, court métrage en 2D / stop-motion en équipe
  • Develop the technical skills associated with project implementation

Méthodes mobilisées et modalités d'évaluation

  • Cours théoriques, Workshops et projets
  • Contrôle continu et évaluation lors des phases de projet

Subject areas taught

  • Drawing, Visual arts
  • Modelling
  • Character design
  • History of the arts
  • Film analysis
  • Storyline
  • Storyboard
  • Video
  • Sound design
  • Introduction to the basic principles of 2D animation
  • Acting
  • Technical classes on the Adobe suite
  • English

Year 2
Further development of artistic fundamentals related to future needs in 3D animation, familiarization with 3D tools

  • Further the study of light, anatomy, volume sculpting,...
  • Design and produce a short 3D animated film as part of a team
  • Acquire technical skills in 3D animation

Méthodes mobilisées et modalités d'évaluation

  • Cours théoriques, Workshops et projets
  • Contrôle continu et évaluation lors des phases de projet

Subject areas taught

  • Drawing
  • Concept art
  • Modelling
  • Character design
  • History of the arts
  • Storyline
  • Storyboard
  • Sound design
  • Technical classes on 3DS Max, Vray, Nuke, Substance, ZBrush
  • Dessin anatomique
  • English

Year 3
Mastering the complete process of producing a short 3D animated film

  • Clay and 3D sculpting
  • Design and produce a very short 3D film as part of a team
  • Design and produce a short 3D film individually
  • Acquire technical skills in 3D animation

Méthodes mobilisées et modalités d'évaluation

  • Cours théoriques, Workshops et projets
  • Contrôle continu et évaluation lors des phases de projet

Subject areas taught

  • Modelling
  • Character design
  • Storyline
  • Storyboard
  • Sound design
  • Substance
  • ZBrush
  • Maya
  • Vray
  • Nuke

a document

MoPA Brochure