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Award-winning films

More than 170 awards and over 1300 festival selections

With the support of our partner Yummy Films, the animated films produced by our students are screened at over 200 international festivals where they receive prestigious awards.

MoPA: 3D animation awards

Award ceremonies that give students the opportunity to travel to many countries and meet industry professionals.

Among the most important ones received recently:

  • Garden Party” nominated for an Oscar
  • The Green Bird” won the Student Academy Award Gold Medal at the Oscar Academy
  • Hybrids” received the “Best in Show” at Siggraph, the Jury Mention at the Annecy International Film Festival and the VES Student Category Award
  • « Les Chaussures de Louis » won the Student Academy Award Gold Medal and was eligible for the Oscar Competition
  • « La Diplomatie de l’Eclipse » received the Student Academy Award Silver Medal and was eligible for the Oscar Competition

a document

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