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Labels & Partners

An industry recognised animation school

MoPA is a 3D animation school recognized in France and abroad.

References & Labels: A recognised requirement

L'école MoPA délivre une certification professionnelle enregistrée au RNCP de niveau 7 équivalent (bac +5).

France Competences animation partner school MoPA

Titre RNCP « Expert en conception, réalisation et animation 3D » Niveau 7 (équiv. Bac+5) délivré par Brassart-Mopa -certification professionnelle enregistrée au RNCP par décision de France Compétences le 15/09/2021 (RNCP 35879).

La certification « Qualiopi », certification Qualité des organismes de formation, vise à attester de la qualité du processus mis en œuvre par les prestataires d'actions concourant au développement des compétences.

Qualiopi animation partner school MoPA

Elle a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d'action suivante : actions de formation.

Visualiser le Certificat Qualiopi :

Une reconnaissance internationale (même niveau de titre que « les partenaires professionnels » ou « nos partenaires »)

Thanks to the academic excellence of its graduates, and the prestigious awards received by its students’ productions, the MoPA School of Animation has earned a reputation over the past 20 years that extends beyond its borders. National and international rankings place it in the top 5 animation schools (Animation Career Review, Figaro Ranking, The Rookies,...).

Also recognised by the profession, MoPA is a member of the Network of French Animation Schools (Réseau des Écoles Françaises du Cinéma d'Animation, RECA). RECA is a network of 28 French animation schools that are undeniably recognized by the professional community, in France and abroad.

Professional partners

The MoPA community is rich in exchanges with the professional world.
Over time, we have built up genuine relationships with many professional partners. They regularly attend our juries or lead masterclasses in order to meet and recruit our students.

Our partners

Whether film or video game studios, many companies put their trust in us and accept our animation students for internships every year!

Third Prod Effet visuel
Reel FX
Oriental Dreamworks Studio

Meet with us

Do you want to find out more about our 3D animation school?
Come and meet us at our upcoming events.


a document

MoPA Brochure