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Cycle 2 3D animation course

Further training in 3D animation and professional development

The animation industry is structured into different professions. To respond to this market demand, improvement, specialisation and professionalism are the keywords of the 2nd study cycle at MoPA.

3D animation training children: MoPA school

With their knowledge of the process of animated film production gained during cycle 1, students in cycle 2 choose a specialisation allowing them to further their specific skills:

  • Careers in animation
  • Careers in imaging

During project production in teams and the distribution of roles within the team, each person will develop an expertise in a preferred field. Experience working in a team also helps the development of interpersonal skills that are essential for successful integration into a company.

Prochaine rentrée :
Septembre 2024

Accessibilté campus Arles MoPA Notre campus est accessible aux personnes en situation de handicap. Vous vous interrogez peut-être sur la possibilité de suivre notre formation.
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4e année (Tronc commun)
Perfectionnement technique à l'animation 3D et professionnalisation

One part of the programme is a core curriculum for those studying both options, and the other part is specific to each option.
Year 4 of our 3D animation course is divided into technical workshops and projects.

Teaching objectives

  • Explore the areas of design and the technical chain through an exercise on a given theme: Zbrush, Maya, Rigging, Substance, Marvelous, Arnold and Nuke
  • Integrate computer-generated images into real images: Live action technique / Photogrammetry / Tracking / Compositing
  • Produce a short 30 second film as part of a team
  • Réaliser la pré-production en équipe du film de fin d'études
  • Piloter et manager un projet avec Shotgrid

Image Specialisation

  • Technical modules: Concept Art and Character Design, Substance Designer, Grooming (Yeti), Clothing Simulation (Cloth), Advanced 3D Visual Development (Arnold), Houdini

3D Animation Specialisation

  • Intensive exercises exploring different animation situations: Rigging, posing, bipedal and quadrupedal body mechanics, facial animation and emotional expressions, lip syncing, acting and body language.

Méthodes mobilisées et modalités d'évaluation

  • Workshops techniques et projets
  • Contrôle continu et évaluation lors des phases de projets

Year 5
Teaching focused on the final project

The students of our 3D animation course prepare for the working world by producing a short animated film in their final year of around 5 minutes in a studio. The teams of 4 to 6 students, decided during the previous year, finalize the pre-production and implement the production and post-production stages of their film.

They are accompanied by professional lecturers who supervise the production process and assist them in both terms of design and technique.
MoPA has formed a partnership with the students of MAAAV, a masters in “Musiques Appliquées aux Arts Visuels” (Music Applied to the Visual Arts) in order to create original music.

Objectifs opérationnels/compétences visées par la certification

  • Design the narrative of a 3D film
  • Develop an artistic proposal for a 3D film
  • Manage the production of a 3D film
  • Research and develop solutions for 3D film making

Modalité d'évaluation

Les épreuves sont organisées sous forme d'études de cas et de situations professionnelles reconstituées, durant le parcours de certification et dans le cadre de l'épreuve finale.

Modalité de certification

La délivrance de la certification « Expert en conception, réalisation et animation 3D » Niveau 7 (équiv. Bac+5) est conditionnée à la validation de tous les blocs de compétences.

Titre RNCP « Expert en conception, réalisation et animation 3D » Niveau 7 (équiv. Bac+5) délivré par Brassart-Mopa-certification professionnelle enregistrée au RNCP par décision de France Compétences le 15/09/2021 (RNCP 35879)

Un bloc de compétences validé est acquis pendant 5 ans.

Pas de suite de parcours / Pas de passerelle

Indicateur(s) de résultats

Taux de présentation aux épreuves de la certification : 100%
Taux de réussite à la certification (promotion 2023) : 100%
Taux d'insertion globale à 12 mois (tout emploi) : 89%
Taux d'insertion dans le métier visé par la certification à 12 mois : 80%

The final year jury in Arles - The talents of tomorrow

The final year short animated film, produced in real studio conditions, is the high point of the course. Bringing together all the knowledge acquired during the 5 years of study, this film is the showcase of the students’ artistic and technical know-how and the passport to the most prestigious studios.

After a year dedicated to producing this short film as part of a team, professionals come to attend the screening of the films and meet our students. The public screening takes place in the ancient theatre of Arles, where 2000 people come to share the magic of the images in this historical place. Afterwards, the animated films will be shown at the biggest international festivals.

3D animation course: MoPA school in Arles

a document

MoPA Brochure