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Our latest news

Films d'animation, événements, récompenses, projets...

Throughout the year, there is a lot of news from our 3D animation school.
Find out about the key events (conferences, studio visits, workshops,...) in which our students participate!

MoPA Animation news: Le Bruit du Silence remporte les Yugo BAFTA Student Awards 2024

Le Bruit du Silence remporte les Yugo BAFTA Student Awards 2024

L’école MoPA est ravie d’annoncer que le film « Le Bruit du Silence », réalisé par des anciens étudiants MoPA diplômés e...

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MoPA Animation news: Jurys de diplôme : la dernière ligne droite

Jurys de diplôme : la dernière ligne droite

Lors de leur dernière année à l’école de cinéma d’animation 3D MoPA, les étudiants réalisent par groupe un court métrage...

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MoPA Animation news: Projection pluvieuse, projection heureuse !

Projection pluvieuse, projection heureuse !

Ce 22 juin 2024 s’est déroulée la diffusion des films des étudiants de l’école de cinéma d’animation 3D MoPA au célèbre ...

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MoPA Animation news: \

"Après Papi" wins "Best Student Project" at SIGGRAPH!

After about twenty festival entries, the animated short film 'Après Papi' has won its first prize, and not the least, th...

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MoPA Animation news: Le Bruit du Silence at ARTE's animated shorts competition

Le Bruit du Silence at ARTE's animated shorts competition

‘Court-circuit’, ARTE's short film magazine, is organising an animated short film competition in which the team behind L...

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MoPA Animation news: Hatching: a fastidious technical exercise

Hatching: a fastidious technical exercise

Basic drawing techniques are essential for MoPA students to acquire and master. Students in the 1st year of their course...

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MoPA Animation news: Ten MoPA films at the Espoirs de l'Animation awards

Ten MoPA films at the Espoirs de l'Animation awards

For the 23rd Espoirs de l'Animation competition organised by M6 Group, 2nd year students at the MoPA animation film scho...

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MoPA Animation news: MoPA recognized for academic excellence

MoPA recognized for academic excellence

MoPA is proud to announce its official recognition by the State, and the authorization to issue a diploma approved by th...

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MoPA Animation news: Invent characters from the Hearthstone universe

Invent characters from the Hearthstone universe

Our second-year students at the MoPA animation school have come up with new characters for Blizzard Entertainment's Hear...

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MoPA Animation news: Concept art for our 3rd year students

Concept art for our 3rd year students

No 3D animated film without concept art! A preliminary creative stage that determines the visual appearance of a film, c...

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MoPA Animation news: Imagining trolls for a character design exercise

Imagining trolls for a character design exercise

Students in the first year of their course at the MoPA animation film school have tackled a magical chara design exercis...

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MoPA Animation news: Telling a story by creating an interior

Telling a story by creating an interior

After creating a pop culture character, our students in their 2nd year at the MoPA animation film school set about creat...

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MoPA Animation news: Making of - « Ultima Vaccae »

Making of - « Ultima Vaccae »

Discover the animated short film “Ultima Vaccae”, from its pre-production to its post-production. A humorous film, fruit...

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MoPA Animation news: Photo workshop for our Preparatory Class

Photo workshop for our Preparatory Class

Students in the Preparatory Class benefit from a generalist arts programme, enabling them to acquire a solid foundation ...

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MoPA Animation news: Making of - « Wondermom »

Making of - « Wondermom »

Discover Wondermom's making-of, a short film by five students from the animation film school MoPA. From pre-production t...

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MoPA Animation news: 3D production of a Super Hero

3D production of a Super Hero

Discover a creative and historic challenge for our 3rd year students at MoPA: the 3D design of a Super Hero! An artistic...

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MoPA Animation news: Making of - « Hubris »

Making of - « Hubris »

Partez à la découverte du court-métrage « Hubris », film de fin d’études d’un groupe d’étudiants de l’école de cinéma d’...

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MoPA Animation news: « La vie des autres » : modelage en argile avec la Classe Prépa

« La vie des autres » : modelage en argile avec la Classe Prépa

Partez à la découverte des habitants et passants de la ville d’Arles à travers les yeux de nos étudiants en Classe Prépa...

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